With the world what it is today many are taking to prepping to overcome their fears of the supposed Apocalypse. Though apocalypse may not be entirely accurate it isn’t entirely inaccurate either, for it is the fear of the unknown that plagues most of us, and preparing for the end isn’t totally inane. In fact, many would think prepping to be clever and ingenious. If you can imagine the end for a moment you could probably understand that everything we take for granted would suddenly become priceless, for instance; running water, electricity, natural gas, and the internet.

I guess one good thing about an apocalypse would be not having to make payments to all your bills, I suppose you would become suddenly exempt from all your responsibilities. Maybe a smart idea would be to along with storing bottled water, propane, and Ritz crackers, would be to hoard some form of new world valuable items for future payments. Maybe copper wire, or maybe old mobile devices, or even specialty items like chocolate truffles and popcorn. So, next time you use your credit card to make a payments for a gift online or even to pay a bill, be grateful, because tomorrow you may not be able to do that anymore.

1 Comment on Prepping for Payments in The New Economy

  1. I agree with everything you’ve posted above. A lot of people, when they hear the term “prepper”, just assume that they person doing the prepping is paranoid or crazy. I believe just the opposite. In truth, it always better to be prepared than to be unprepared.
    I was raised by the stories of my grandparents who lived through the Great Depression, and I remember their warnings and words of advice to this day: “Live in the moment, but ALWAYS prepare for what the future may bring.”

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