Tag: prepping

Preppers Should Strongly Consider Diesel-Powered Vehicles

There are many scenarios that preppers are readying themselves for, and contrary to popular belief, these scenarios do not all relate to the rise of zombies. Of the many potential disasters that preppers consider, one is the threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack. In the event of such an attack, many current vehicles would be rendered useless because of the widespread use of engine electronics. With a diesel engine, however, this is not the case.

As Luke Weil has recently pointed out, a diesel engine does not require the spark that gasoline engines require to start. In this case, preppers with a diesel-powered vehicle could still have access to a form of transportation that will have largely been eliminated by the EMP attack.

Weil went on to note that the diesel-powered car or truck could not include an automatic transmission. Instead, a manual transmission is needed so that it can be roll-started. In this case, preppers would be wise to park the vehicle atop a hill after each use so that starting the engine could be done through the simple use of gravity.

Of course, preppers should also consider storing fuel well before it is needed. Diesel tanks can be safely stored below ground so that they will not draw the attention of those who did not adequately prepare. While this requires a bit of effort and planning, these are the strengths of preppers and should prove to be very much worthwhile in the event of an EMP attack.

Are you a Prepper?

If you are a prudent person and like to be prepared then you may be a prepper.  Adam Kutner can be a source for prepper information. If you have extra food and water stored away you are well on your way to being a prepper. If you need more information this link www.prepperwebsite.com/ is another good resource. Just because the world looks like it is stable doesn’t mean we are not headed for a catastrophe. Preppers like to feel that they are prepared for what ever comes along but it is difficult to cover everything. Will there be enough food or safety supplies to get you through? Good luck and good prepping from your fellow prepper.

Adam Kutner – Attorney Prepping

Law practice is one of those fields that’s requires so much time, energy and preparation. The law and order profession is also incredibly diverse and it is not possible to describe the so-called “typical” lawyer. Each lawyer, no matter the field of work or the major, works with different clients and different legal problems on the daily. Normally, certain basic legal skills are required of all lawyers. Along with being adept at both reading and listening, they must prepare themselves in the workplace by:

  • Analyzing legal issues in light of the existing state of the law.
  • Synthesize material in light of the fact that many issues are multifaceted and requires a mixture of diverse elements into a coherent whole.
  • Advocate the views and stories of groups and individuals within the context of the legal system.
  • Give intelligent counsel on the law’s requirements.
  • Write and speak clearly.
  • Negotiate and come to a solid conclusion effectively.

Adam Kutner is an attorney at law who has mastered these 6 principles of preparation and his success speaks for him. With 21 years in the court system, Adam Kutner has effectively solved and conquered over 20,000 cases in his time.

If you want a lawyer who has prepared himself for your legal problems and takes proper action toward getting the job done, you can find Adam Kutner on FB and contact his associates today.


Is Jeff Halevy a Prepper?

What is a prepper but someone who is prepared for whatever might come or happen in the future? If that’s a working definition I would definitely consider Jeff Halevy a prepper. Consider his Facebook profile. You can see that beyond everything else that is publicly known about him, he works out, a lot. If we end up in a WROL situation, physical strength and endurance are coming to come in very handy.

Is Jeff Halevy prepping? That’s a totally different question and I have no reason to think that he is, but imagine he was and his job just lends itself to that exact situation. A stockpile of food on a sustainable ranch like these with incredible physical strength. That’s a great start to TEOTWAWKI!